All Teledyne batteries are 100% inspected, tested and fully charged prior to delivery to distributors. To protect your warranty ensure your battery:
1. Complies with the manufacturer’s freshness policy or contact your distributor for a replacement immediately. This means the battery you receive should:
Have no physical impact damage from shipping to you from the distributor.
For LT Sealed batteries please also ensure the battery you receive:
Is and will be within its maximum shelf life at the time of installation as defined in the on line maintenance manual (CMM).
Has evidence of periodic voltage inspection/boost charging documented on the orange box sticker if older than 6 months from manufactured date.
Check the voltage, compare it to the initial charging instructions in the CMM, and ensure you are able and willing to perform the initial charging required (if any) before installation.
2. Store and maintain your battery in accordance with its CMM requirements prior to and after installation and install LT sealed batteries within 2 years of their manufactured date. View Maintenance
3. Register your battery within 30 days of installation. Unregistered batteries are not under warranty except where requiring registration of industrial products is prohibited by law. Register Your Battery Here
4. Log your maintenance and comply with your warranty terms and conditions. Terms and Conditions
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